Thursday, March 4, 2010

Literary Festival

tHe aUdienCe..

b0b, vIrgiE and mArk jUn

vIrgiE and aLviN

siLa uliT

mArk jUn anD mE

j0yce m0nTemAy0r

j0yce anD aLviN

anU yAn????

b0b anD mArk jUn

b0b jAys0n

mAriE pUsa..


jUdz, j0y, mArk jUn anD j0ycE

mArk jUn anD j0y..

This group will be playing the story MADMAN ON THE ROOF, a Japanese poetry, in the Literary Festival held in the Luis Serrano Hall in MSEUF building on the 4th day of March. This group is composed of fourth year students from the section Wisdom, leaded by Joyce Bernadette Glinogo.


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