Saturday, March 13, 2010

akuh nglettering nit0..

virgie and mea!

c tabingi!


akuh, mea at tska c virgie..

j0yce, ak0 tska alyssa..



kmi ulit..

ang gul0 ny0!


M.c and Ysa

puday!! c aly 0h!

charging tym!!


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Literary Festival

tHe aUdienCe..

b0b, vIrgiE and mArk jUn

vIrgiE and aLviN

siLa uliT

mArk jUn anD mE

j0yce m0nTemAy0r

j0yce anD aLviN

anU yAn????

b0b anD mArk jUn

b0b jAys0n

mAriE pUsa..


jUdz, j0y, mArk jUn anD j0ycE

mArk jUn anD j0y..

This group will be playing the story MADMAN ON THE ROOF, a Japanese poetry, in the Literary Festival held in the Luis Serrano Hall in MSEUF building on the 4th day of March. This group is composed of fourth year students from the section Wisdom, leaded by Joyce Bernadette Glinogo.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Valentines Day

Jhon Kenneth and Marie Krisha

uuuyy... hehe =D

Maricon and .... d q xa kilala..

hehehe... =D

Kano and Joyce Anne

Arjay and Virginia

Tophe and Shenny Anne

Isagani and Kim Dyan

uuuuyyy.. dlga n c Kim..

Ouch ha... hahaha...

my Dear and Jackie

Kuya Kim and Jhoana

nice nman..

h0y anu yan!!

si virgie nmu2la n..

d q cla kilala...

si Cha at Mimi

nka2rmi n si virgie..

si Ex q at si Mhervie..

This photos were taken last year on Valentines Day.. actually,it's not yet Valentines because this event in school was on Feb.13,2009.. It is not yet Feb.14... This persons were only some of the customers of MARRIAGE BOOTH..

thank G0d d aq kxama s booth n 'to.. hahaha..

♥☼♫§ END §♫☼♥

Thursday, February 11, 2010

4th year Wisd0m were inside the Computer Laboratory.. The 4th year officers, together with some 3rd year officers, were downstairs.. They are practicing their cotillion dance for the JS Promenade..

Inside the Computer Laboratory, our class is having a Computer Quiz Bee.. One of the students became impolite to our subject teacher.. It irritates me.. Well, I can't do anything because for that student, it is only a joke.. hhmmm...

We will be staying inside the Computer Laboratory for 2 hours..

My God!
Another student become impolite to our teacher again!
tsk! tsk! tsk!

That's for now..
Next time again...
